Sunday 18 April 2010

Evaluative commentary for main exercise

Our main opening for a film for our main exercise was for a film called “Becoming Bella Bright”. The narrative of the opening scene is that the main character is going to auditions. The opening scene uses codes and conventions of films of the same genre.

The opening sequence represents teenage girls in a very one sided view as this is only the beginning of the film we made it so that it draws from stereotypes of the character being very feminine teenage girl. This allows a quick set up of the character as you see her traits in the first few minutes of the film. In turn this lets the audience know what the character is like without explaining a back-story early in the film. This is done by using a classic “Waking up scene” which is popular with films in this genre. In the scene the character is shown getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. Most of the shots are close ups and you are always very close with the character making the audience more interested in her as she chooses her clothes and puts on her make up etc. Her character stereotype is reinforced by use of music which is upbeat pop music. The music also shows how upbeat the scene is and how she is looking forward to the auditions ahead with anticipation.

-Movies such as Camp Rock are in the same genre as our film

A media institution that may distribute a film such as ours are bigger companies such as Disney with more child/teen orientated films. Some of these include Camp Rock and High School Musical. I think a big company like this would produce a film like this because of its content is similar and they optimise their films to relate to the child/early teen audiences. The audience would be attracted to this film by relating to the lead character waking up and getting ready at the start of the film. This theme would continue in the rest of the film.

In the preliminary exercise I was the camera operator for the exercise and I used my own camera to make it easier. However my camera was hard to use with the editing software so for the main exercise I used a different camera which films on tape rather than a hard drive. This was a new experience for myself as I’ve only previously filmed on cameras with hard drives. I learnt about how to operate and record with a tape and how to export the footage onto a computer afterwards for editing.

We also used a more advanced editing software package for the main exercise which we all had to learn how to use. It was difficult to use to begin with and much more advanced. However once we learnt how to use the software though it was much better than the older more basic editing software. We could more things with our film with this software such as more finely edit.

I think that I have progressed from the preliminary task and improved skills I have learnt. At the start of the preliminary exercise I didn’t know how to edit properly but now I have learn how to edit in two different software packages.

I also think I have also learnt how to film and frame the shots better and how to use a variety of filming equipment. In the preliminary task we filmed with a camera with a hard-drive which was different to the camera we used in the main execerise which saved onto a tape.

I also feel that I have gained more confidence when sharing ideas with the group. At the begining of the preliminary exercise I was less confident about sharing ideas due to being in a new group. However as I progressed through the preliminary excerise into the main excerise I feel gained confidence.

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